We have a team of proactive experts who are qualified in web and mobile development. Our talented web and mobile app developers have experience in inventing great Mobile Apps, Games, and Websites that assure innovation and deliver digital success! At Nigos, we strongly believe that your business vision is our responsibility and your success is an important milestone in our journey. Our zealous professionals can help you build your online business from scratch and take it to new heights in your respective niche. We guarantee 360° powerful digital solutions for all your business requirements
Founded in 1988, Nigos has its headquarters in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Yes, you will get it for sure. After the project is completed, you may request an extension of our project support. However, the fees may differ from one project to the next. You will get the details about it once the project scope and size are determined by our team.
We feel that it is our obligation to help you realise your company goals. Therefore, we understand that each business idea of yours is precious. We take serious precautions to protect the confidentiality of your idea. Before any discussion, we sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to demonstrate our commitment. We employ strong security and confidentiality measures throughout important project discussions with our clients to prevent unauthorized information sharing. Besides this, to preserve your security and trust we also have legal agreements in place with all of our personnel, including our development teams.
Every client is important to us. In terms of technology, we provide strategic solutions to our client's business goals. Every mobile app and web development project is unique, thus necessitating a different approach. The majority of projects go through some of the most frequent project development processes, such as UI design, analysis, development, wireframe, solution consulting, testing, prototyping, and requirement gathering. But, the sequence and selection of phases may vary depending on the scale and nature of the software development project.
No, we don't reuse our client's endeavours. We employ a variety of open source libraries and refer to our own sources during the authoring process of inventing the code. It, thus, saves time and prevents reinventing the wheel.
Yes, we will gladly deploy a resource onsite for an initial startup if the project necessitates it and our staff are present. Nigos provides global clients with a cost-effective engagement model for hiring professional developers to work on client sites. Your satisfaction is our priority, so we leave no stone unturned for our client's success. Even if our office is not located in your city or country and the project is complex, we will send a representative from our corporate office to visit you.
Our entire development team is based in Noida, India, where we also have our headquarters. So, we'd want to schedule this before the event so that we can plan and manage the rest of our calendars accordingly. Regardless, depending on the type of work, circumstances, and any special meetings, we assign a dedicated team to make sure that we stay connected during your working hours. We, at Nigos, also have a team working remotely for our clients from all around the world to match their time zone.
To assure the highest level of quality, we adhere to strict procedures. We employ the black-box technique for software testing. We have a specialised quality assurance (QA) team that ensures that each project is thoroughly inspected. They deliver the last ‘thumbs up' before the final handover and deployment, after covering all types of testing.
Yes, we have done so. In fact, Since 1988, we've been a reputable offshore web and mobile app development firm that follows IT industry standards. As a mark of trust and excellent IT service delivery, we have a service level agreement in place.
We have a straightforward pricing model. We work on a "Fixed Scope" basis, which means we provide you with a set of deadlines and a fixed price. The second scenario is "Evolving Scope," in which you have no idea how detailed or big the project will become. In this instance, we'll assemble a group of various technical professionals to collaborate with you on the development project as it progresses. We charge you every month for each deployed team that is required because determining a short deadline for such projects is challenging. For both Fixed Scope and Evolving Scope – we inform you of the milestones for which you’ll have to make payment. In the vast majority of cases, these payment milestones are closely linked with the delivery milestones.
For project communications, we utilise Basecamp. We register you there and connect you with the rest of the Nigos team that will be working on your project. We communicate via email and Skype, in addition to Basecamp. In most cases, you'll talk with a Project Manager and a Tech Lead - but there are no restrictions if you wish to talk with any member of the team that is working on your project.


The total time it takes to build a website is determined by a number of factors. The first is the project's intricacy. A static website often takes less time to design than eCommerce or flash-based websites. The time limit may be extended due to small or large changes. A static website will take our web developer less time than a website that uses flash and other dynamic graphics. However, complicated projects, such as eCommerce websites, take a little longer to create.
With a strong focus on emerging technologies and a personalised techno-solution for every client/project, our strategy has remained the success recipe for all these years. Our unique selling proposition (USP) is providing personalised techno-solution for business development at an affordable cost. We understand the worth of your money, which is why we work tirelessly to ensure that your business succeeds. We have a pool of professionals in Microsoft (.net), PHP, Java, and other technologies. We never allow our clients to compromise on the quality, whether it's a simple, static website or a complicated eCommerce project. We devote the same amount of time and attention to a simple website as we do to a sophisticated project. We offer effective web development services in a variety of leading frameworks, including open-source PHP frameworks.
YWe certainly do! Responsive web design and development is the term for it. Nigos web developers have experience with the newest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies. We create visually appealing and aesthetically compelling UI/UX designs that work seamlessly on both desktop and mobile platforms. However, before kick-starting the website or web app development project, you may need to clearly define this in your objectives.
Yes, there are a plethora of solutions available to you. However, we urge our clients to be specific in their needs and website aspects, and we offer a few design options based on that. This saves time and money while also expediting the entire web development process.
This is something that almost no software development business will give you. However, in addition to the goals listed, Nigos enables a handful of adjustments throughout website development. Nonetheless, we strongly advise that the scope and parts of the project be discussed and defined prior to the start of the project. This cuts down on the amount of time, money, and resources spent on modifications.
Yes, we do it only when clients specifically request the same.
Ever since our inception, we have created thousands of websites for businesses operating in a variety of industries. We have mastery and experience in every facet of website development, including portals, blogs, eCommerce stores, and enterprise-level sites. However, to say that we have produced websites identical to yours with absolute certainty, we would need to examine your unique requirements first. But, more than likely, you'll find that we've worked on projects similar to yours.
We utilise a standard architecture - Mobile View Controller (MVC), which is a type of user interface that separates information representation from user interaction. We have a variety of frameworks that we use depending on the project kind and requirement.
The term "open source" refers to the development of apps in which coders have access to and can modify the source code. MS Technology (.net) is a commercial source of code with restrictions on its use, change, and dissemination. Open-source software is both free to download and inexpensive and has a strong community behind it.
A static website is one that is solely programmed in HTML, where every web page is a separate document and has no databases or external files to rely on. As a result, the only method to change a page like this is to edit each page separately. A dynamic website includes more complex code, such as PHP or ASP, and more functionality, such as being integrated with a content management system. This includes a database as well as other sources of information. You can use this to update web pages without knowing HTML or software. It is entirely dependent on the nature and aim of your project. While static websites are better for fixed websites (those that don't require a lot of data from external sources), dynamic websites are better for others.
Cloud computing refers to having specified data available at all times and from any location. Data must be portable and mobile in order to do this. Cloud services are designed to synchronise data across several devices and provide quick access. However, we do not currently provide cloud services, but we do develop cloud-compatible mobile and web applications. This is something you may mention while designing an app, and we'll take care of it.
Specialised coding and a great deal of flexibility are needed for the development of an e-commerce store. We advise you to go for closed or paid sources (such as ASP.net) over open source technology. There are many reasons behind choosing the one, the most important of which are security and flexibility.
Content Management System (CMS) is a software package that allows for more systematic website maintenance. Using it, the owner of the website can administer it without any expert assistance. CMS is recommended to you only if you require multiple users with multiple responsibilities on your website.
A web portal is a website that collects information from multiple sources in a unique way. Every information source, in common, has its own part on the web page where it displays information. Portals are now providing additional benefits as a result of innovative technological advances. Portal guarantees to be a more consistent and logical platform for information management. As a result, it's a more user-friendly approach to accessibility.
To test projects, we have a separate department, i.e., quality assurance (QA). For the projects we build, we use a sequence of robust testing methods outlined below:

● Network testing
● System testing
● Functional testing
● Navigation testing
● Cross-browser testing
● Black box testing
● GUI testing
● Unit and integration testing
● Testing on various devices and platforms
● Cross-browser testing

We parse the code manually and use special tools before the project is ready for the above-mentioned tests. Our expert programmers scrutinise the codes thoroughly before running them in the final form.
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